Monday, 11 July 2022

'Take a Turn about the Garden' at Wentworth Woodhouse

We finish the first half of the UPLIFT calendar with a special out of hours event at the maginificent Wentworth Woodhouse in, ‘Take a Turn about the Garden’.

With the gardens closed to the public and our very own  VIP access, we worked with head gardener, Scott, who was very accommodating in directing us to some great spots to create land art with esteemed land artist, James Brunt. Seeking shelter from the wind we worked within the trees to form a nest. UPLIFTER's were keen to create something cozy that we would want to nestle into, rather symbolic of the day itself.

We also had the pleasure of working with artist, Jo Blaker. Jo is new to the UPLIFT programme and is a prolific sketcher who has done hundreds of sketch books over the last few years. She sketches all sorts of landscapes in different ways, using all sorts of different media, including, graphite, ink and pipext, as well as sticks and materials that she finds on the ground. With such a lovely technique, Jo gets very involved with her work, using hands and fingers to create texture and background. It was lovely to work with her and observe her craft.

Inspired by Jo's work, UPLIFTER's collected feathers and different materials to make tools for drawing, which were then used for mark making. UPLIFTER's also made a special concertina sketchbook. Some then took to the grounds with view finders to create little compositions they would later sketch; with an emphasis on really looking before drawing and really connecting with what you see to make the marks very real and very vivid.

There was was a great focus on relaxing into nature and with the use of the beautiful Wentworth Cabins this was certainly the case. From the cabins UPLIFTER's were able to take in the picturesque surroundings all the while feasting on a luscious Wentworth picnic as kindly supplied by the catering team.

Like something straight out of a Jane Austen novel, it was a fantastic day out, and a suitably splendid way to end the season!

We’re busy beavering away to bring you the next 3 months worth of UPLIFT’s and there’s some great events still to come!

If you’re feeling fed up and in need of a boost, if you'd like to connect with people and nature then Green UPLIFT is the programme for you. To receive this calendar of free events, simply text ‘UPLIFT’ to 07916 282 064 and one of our friendly team will be in touch to register you to the programme.

We’re looking forward to bringing you the second installment of Green UPLIFT’s very very soon!

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